4 Facets of HSP
According to Elaine Aron, almost every highly sensitive person will experience these 4 facets:
Depth of Processing:
Processing emotional situations very deeply
Giving careful and thorough analysis to decisions/tasks/situations sometimes to the point of being unable to make or take action.
Considering the big picture
Over-thinking to an excessive level
Being extremely conscientious
May be considered insightful, seek spirituality to understand life on a deeper level
Over arousal
Life feels out of balance. May suffer with anxiety, stress, headaches and migraines
Have low tolerance for high-level sensory input
Can be easily fatigued yet have trouble sleeping
Will seriously avoid conflict and take criticism to heart
Emotional Intensity
Have strong emotional responses, are highly empathic and intuitive, very reactive to any emotional environment
Can find negativity overwhelming
Can have a keen imagination
May have low self-esteem and can cry easily etc.
Will have low emotional boundaries
Will require meaningful work and relationships
Sensory Sensitivity
Will react to physical environmental conditions, notice details and subtle changes.
Are sensitive to a range of stimuli food/fabric/comfort